Six Tips for A Productive Half Term

An ex-student from Watling Tutors gives her views for her peers on how to have a productive half-term… 

Hooray! The half term holiday has either arrived or is on its way and it is time to rejoice. One week or two weeks away from school means you call the shots.

We offer up our suggestions for how best to spend your time. Disregard our tips with caution …

The second-half of Autumn term can be pretty gruelling; the work piles up, the wind gets stronger and the days get shorter. Make sure you spend some time enjoying yourself so you can return to school rejuvenated and ready to battle the second half of term.

Return to the activities and hobbies you love but might not have enough time to pursue during term time. Read that book that is gathering dust; watch that show everyone has been talking about; catch up with friends you haven’t seen in a while.

2. REST:
Take some time to be lazy – every so often it is needed and it is good for you! Lie-in and catch up on the sleep you may have missed out on during term. Lounge around the house. Stay in your pyjamas until midday. Binge on that box-set. Spend an evening with a hot chocolate and a movie. Don’t waste away every day but some time doing nothing is more than OK.

It is always important to make time for exercise but term time frenzy can mean it sometimes gets swept under the rug. Now is the time to rediscover your favourite sport or to discover exercise afresh. There are numerous ways to get moving and there is sure to be one out there to suit you. Gather some friends for a game of football; go to the shed and get our your bicycle; join a dance class, or go for a run amongst the Autumn leaves.

Use your free time to go back on the half term that has just passed take note of any gaps in your knowledge or topics you didn’t quite understand. It’s crucial to make sure you are comfortable with what you have learnt so far so that you are ready to progress. Revise your notes alone, look online or ask a friend or tutor to go over things with you.

Plan and prepare in order to put yourself in the best position to meet the second half of term. Organise your folders: get dividers for each topic and make sure your work is labelled clearly. Replace your broken bag or pencil case, buy some exciting stationary, note down important upcoming events in your calendar.

If you’re in year 10 or above it is a good idea to spend some time thinking about the future. What subject do you want to study at uni? What job might you like to do? You don’t have to know now but it won’t harm to try and get some work experience or arrange a chat with a few different people.